Portable Photobiomodulation: The Benefits


Discover the transformative benefits of harnessing the power of light for your well-being, with the convenience of a portable photobiomodulation lamp.

Photobiomodulation (PBM), also known as low-level light therapy, has gained significant attention in recent years for its potential to enhance various aspects of human health.

The benefits of PBM are substantial but the entry point can be expensive.

Here we explore some of the benefits to a portable photobiomodulation lamp. To learn more or to purchase here is the link. Lifestyle Integration


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Melatonin Tips For Production and Preservation

Melatonin is a hormone that is well established as a significant antioxidant, as well as an important hormone for healthy and restorative sleep.  It has also been increasingly implicated to have anti-aging and obesity benefits as well as mitochondrial function.  Suffice to say that healthy melatonin function is important to our health at any age, but particularly as we pass 50.  But where does it come from and how can we maximise it?


To produce melatonin you need the raw building blocks.  This is the amino acid tryptophan.  It’s found in things like turkey, milk, nuts, and tuna.  Just eating the food with the tryptophan is not enough necessarily.  The following chart will help to explain.

melatonin production chart
From The Visual Textbook Of Nutritional Medicine by Dr. Igor Tabrizian

You can see down the left side of the chart that you have a list of nutrients.  Things like magnesium, zinc and iron.  You need these nutrients to convert the tryptophan into melatonin.  If they are deficient in your diet, you will have issues in converting the tryptophan to melatonin.

As a result, you will therefore not have enough melatonin for optimal function.  When you look at the literature it’s clear there are a lot of people with magnesium, zinc and iron deficiencies.

Toxic Metals

The next aspect to consider is across the top of the chart.  The toxic metals like mercury, aluminium and, in excess, copper.  What the toxic metals do is “block” the good nutrient from working.  This means that you could have the zinc present in the body in adequate amounts but if you have mercury present it will stop the zinc from functioning.

It gets worse.

Toxic metals have differing strengths of antagonism.  For example one mercury will block up to 1000 zinc.  That’s pretty strong antagonism.  Copper can block up to 6 zinc.  If you have high copper, mercury and aluminium, which is somewhat common, you will not be able to use your zinc.  As a result you will not be able to convert your tryptophan into melatonin and you will then have melatonin deficiency.

The pineal gland gets most of the recognition for producing melatonin.  This is not really accurate.

Red Light Therapy

A lessor known source of melatonin production is from exposure to red light and near infrared light which is known as photobiomodulation.  The paper titled Aging of lymphoid organs: Can photobiomodulation reverse age-associated thymic involution via stimulation of extrapineal melatonin synthesis and bone marrow stem cells? states that “a review of the literature suggests that not only retinal, but also whole body and intranasal irradiation with red light leads to a notable increase in serum melatonin levels in humans.”

Red light and near infrared light increases melatoinin production independent of the pineal gland.

This is important.

Traditionally, before electricity, we  only had candle light and fire after sunset.  We also witnessed every sunset.  The point being we were exposed to much higher levels of red light and this in turn would help to raise or maintain our melatonin level.  Think back to how well you slept on your last camping trip and you will know what I mean.

If you are wondering how to do this at home you can either use red LED lamps to light up your home or you can mimic sunset and fire at the same time with a near infrared sauna which is our personal favourite.

So far, we’ve looked at production.

  • You need to get tryptophan.
  • We need to have the right nutrients to convert it.
  • There can’t be toxic metals blocking the conversion.
  • You need to have adequate red light exposure.


Now you need to keep your levels naturally high and not accidentally deplete them.

The main thing to be aware of here is blue light exposure.  This is the sort of light you get from overhead lights, TV’s, laptops, computers, tablets and mobile phones.  The light decimates our melatonin.  This is quite well documented and yet it amazes me that more people don’t pay attention.   Here is one quick example in the literature.  “Melatonin suppressions after 1-h and 2-h exposures to tablets viewed with the blue light were significantly greater than zero.”  Have a google search to confirm for yourself how important this is.

One solution is to turn you devices off.

A bit harsh…..yes, but very successful.

If this isn’t possible then consider using a pair of blue-light blocking glasses.  These filter out the blue light and only allow in the red which then does not interfere with your natural melatonin production.

Another home based thing you can do to help maximise your melatonin levels is to get a hair mineral analysis.  This test will assess your levels of nutrients and toxic metals in the tissues.  If you identify issues then you can address them.  It’s always best to work on root causes of problems and not go chasing our tails around.

Finally you can monitor your sleep.  You can use watch based apps or for best results consider a OURA ring.  If you can assess your deep and REM sleep you can then look for patterns that have interrupted your sleep and look to correct them.  For example, if I don’t wear my red light blocking glasses I notice a decrease in my deep sleep.  Another example is if I eat a meal too late I don’t sleep well.

Melatonin production and preservation is a critical piece to our overall health management.  Even more so as we pass 50.  Hopefully these tips and pointers will help you get a deeper and more refreshing sleep and help you to restore your energy.

Yours in Health,
Dr. Todd Lizon, (Chiropractor)
B.P.H.E., D.C.

We care deeply about your metabolic health here at Lifestyle Integration.

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The Full Spectrum Sauna Low Energy Boost

a man with low energy

Eliminate Low Energy With A Simple Bio-Hack

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me? I feel so tired. I’m not even sure I can get out of bed. I just don’t seem to have any energy—not even for my family.”

As we pass 50, low energy and vitality can become a significant issue.  The good news is that there are bio-hacks you can do to increase your energy.  The more energy you have, the better you will heal, feel, and want to do things.

If you are still reading, I don’t need to convince you of the magnitude of the issue.

What can we do?

balance or bunout

First, you need to rule out serious problems. Consult with your doctor.  There can be issues such as thyroid health, or iron levels that may need to be properly assessed and managed.  Once these are ruled out, we can look at ways to hack our energy systems and boost our low energy.

Most low energy problems are the result of impaired energy pathways within the body.  To be blunt, these pathways are usually disturbed from our all too often poor choice of lifestyle and environment.

The good news is they can be easy to fix.  The bad news is we usually can’t or won’t actually fix them!  Change your diet.  Stop smoking and drinking. Get more sleep etc.

If this sounds like you this is where bio-hacks can benefit you.

In our experience the single most impactful bio-hack that can change your life regarding energy production is the use of a near infrared sauna.  This is also known as a full spectrum sauna.

There are two mechanisms at work with full spectrum saunas.

1. Photobiomodulation
2. Heat.

Photobiomodulation (PBM)is also known as red light therapy or LLLT and is the application of red and near infrared light to the body.


When you apply near infrared light (photobiomodulation) to the body the most significant finding is that you increase the production of ATP within the mitochondria.  Mitochondria are in virtually every cell of your body.  An enzyme in your mitochondria absorbs this light and it increases the production of ATP.  The increased production of ATP is where you get your increased energy from. The ATP is equivalent to the battery of the cell.  The more charge you have, the more energy you get, and low energy becomes a thing of the past.


Photobiomodulation has also been shown to increase melatonin production.  Melatonin is your primary sleep hormone and is essential to a good night sleep.  When you expose yourself to the red light therapy and near infrared light you increase your melatonin.  When you get a good nights sleep you will have more energy to take on the day.  Never underestimate the value of a solid night’s sleep when it comes to low energy.


Studies have shown that photobiomodulation can restore normal thyroid function.  The application of the near infrared was able to get approximately 50% of the study group that had Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis OFF of medication completely.  With almost all they were able to dramatically reduce their medication.  Of note, once you stop the therapy the situation can reverse back to where it was. This implies we need this regular exposure to near infrared light to maintain our energy pathways and perhaps we are light deficient in a similar way to how most of us don’t get enough Vitamin D from sunlight.  A near infrared sauna is a fantastic way to get enough daily light and help you move from low energy to a more vital and energetic state.


In the research article titled “Recovery from sauna bathing favorably modulates cardiac autonomic nervous system” it is made abundantly clear that the heat from a single sauna session can reduce stress.  They found a significant reduction in stress as measured by one of the gold standards when assessing this, heart rate variability.  Talk about sauna benefits….a single session can reduce stress, scientifically, by about 50%.  Less stress equals more energy.


There are multiple studies that show that both photobiomodulation AND the heat of the sauna tremendously helps the function of the cardiovascular system.  The heat and the photobiomodulation both work independently, and in different ways, but the combination of the two supercharges you to a more robust and healthy cardiovascular system.  When your heart functions better you will have the energy boost you are looking for.


The sauna can mimic many of the benefits of exercise.  It raises your heart rate, cardiac output, core temperature, sweating etc.  The research paper Sauna use as a lifestyle practice to extend healthspan shows that sauna use can be “an alternative to aerobic exercise for people who are unable to engage in physical activity due to chronic disease or physical limitations.”  I don’t think anyone would disagree that exercise will increase your energy over the long term.


In the same paper it states “elevated biomarkers of inflammation are commonly observed in individuals who have depression.”  Sauna use has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression and it may be because of the reduction in inflammation.

Interestingly, the use of photobiomodulation has also been significantly been noted to reduce depression as well as many other brain dysfunctions.

Using a near infrared sauna or full spectrum sauna will bring all the sauna benefits together in one place.  The benefits to the brain are significant and when you aren’t depressed you will have more energy and motivation.


Finally, we look at lung function. The better your lung function the better your oxygenation and the more energy you will have.  Again, this is a system that benefits from both the heat and the photobiomodulation.

The sauna effects are related to “decreases in oxidative stress and inflammation associated with hyperthermia or via direct effects on lung tissue.”

Photobiomodulation has also been shown to reduce oxidative stress as stated in Photobiomodulation Therapy Decreases Oxidative Stress in the Lung Tissue after Formaldehyde Exposure: Role of Oxidant/Antioxidant Enzymes.  There are also many other studies looking at chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the improvements it can have.


In summary, it is clear from the research that if you are looking to fix your low energy problem both photobiomodulation and heat therapy from a near infrared or full spectrum sauna are a fantastic bio-hack.

A portable near infrared sauna provides both therapies at the same time.

At NIR sauna our units are versatile in that they can be used in almost any space and any place.  If you are looking to increase your energy levels, as well as address many other aspects of your health, we strongly suggest you consider having one of these in your home.

Being over 50 does not mean we need to struggle with low energy.  Address your lifestyle and environment and look to use proven bio-hacks to help you get your youthful vitality back and enjoy all life has to give.

Yours in Health,

Dr Todd Lizon (Chiropractor)
B.P.H.E., D.C.



GHK Boosts Brain Health

Brain Health

How much do you know about brain health?  More specifically, do you know how a tiny peptide called GHK could be the difference between a healthy brain and body and an unhealthy one? The research is starting to consolidate on GHK and it’s good news.  GHK has “multiple biological actions, all of which, according to our current knowledge, appear to be health positive.”  Here is the current evidence that shows how GHK and GHK-Cu may be positively impacting on your brain health.


But first,  you need to understand the basics of the field of epigenetics.


Epigenetics is the study of how cells control gene activity without changing the DNA sequence. The easiest way to understand it is that your genes stay the same, but the epigenetic changes are modifications that determine whether a gene is turned on or off.

The next thing to understand is that genes can be overactive and underactive.  If a gene is underactive you want to upregulate it, and if it’s overactive you will want to downregulate it.

Now, consider this.  According to the research Pickart et al reports “the number of human genes stimulated or suppressed by GHK with a change greater than or equal to 50% is 31.2%.  GHK induced a significant change in the gene expression, UP or DOWN of 50% in 31.8% of the human genes.

In other words, almost 32% of your genes are impacted, significantly, by this one peptide GHK!  If you don’t have healthy GHK levels you can be negatively impacting 32% of your genes and in turn health.  Sadly, the levels of GHK in a 60 year old is just a fraction of what it is in 20 year olds.


If we look first at the effect on neurons (nerve cells) they found that “408 genes go up and 230 go down.” This was from the study titled Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide in the Light of the New Gene Data.  So a good number of genes are either upregulated or downregulated in a positive direction.

The below chart shows the top 10 genes upregulated by GHK and the top 10 downregulated.  Notice the percent change.  It’s over 1000% for the top two.

genes affected by GHK

They state that “GHK has a significant effect on neurons, but we don’t know exactly what this means.  With time, we will be able to analyze the huge amount of data.”


We also know that the peptide has “potent anti-pain, anti-anxiety and anti-aggression actions” which are primarily brain regulated.  In the chart below you can see the genes identified that help to reduce pain.

pain genes affected by GHK


A different study titled Non-Invasive Scanning and Subtle Energy Testing Lab Effect of LifeWave X39 Patches on Brain as Seen with P3 Brain Mapping: Preliminary Results found different results when they looked at the brain.

First a little bit of background on the X39 patch.  It’s a non-transdermal skin patch that is worn for 12 hours per day.  When studied it “showed a significant increase in the GHK-Cu concentration present in the blood as a result of wearing the LifeWave X39 patch for 1 week in individuals age 40 to 80.”

Lifewave X39 patch

Getting back to the brain mapping study they found that “according to their coherence maps, the majority of participants started with an over active brain and their brain calmed down significantly after 3 weeks of wearing the X39 patch.


Have a look at this study titled Glycine-Histidine-Lysine (GHK) Alleviates Neuronal Apoptosis Due to Intracerebral Hemorrhage via the miR-339-5p/VEGFA Pathway.  Fancy talk but here is what you need to know.

“GHK enhances wound healing, exerts neuroprotective effects against neurodegenerative disease, and improves tissue regeneration. This study examined whether GHK can alleviate injury due to intracerebral hemorrhage (stroke).”

They found that “GHK-induced downregulation of miR-339-5p (a gene), and that the miR-339-5p/VEGFA axis plays a role in preventing neuronal apoptosis”

In simple speak, the GHK downregulated a gene, or genes, and this prevented nerve death following a stroke. They concluded that “these findings indicate that GHK may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for stroke.”


One final CRITICAL point to note is that the levels of GHK average “200ng/ml at age 20 but decline to an average of 80ng/ml by age 60.

As we age and need it for brain health, the levels decrease.

However, the following discovery is interesting and very promising.

“Because GHK is absorbed at a high efficiency across the blood brain barrier in to the brains of rodents and nonhuman primates …… testing the effects on the peptide on neurological function is warranted”  A study on aging mice found “evidence of decreased inflammation….. suggesting that in addition to an anti-inflammatory effect, GHK may be triggering an epigentic pathway in the amelioration of cognitive impairment in aging mice.”


It is very likely that there are multiple pathways and genes that are being up and down regulated when it comes to our brain health.

Studies have shown that some age-related changes in gene expression are not permanent and can be reversed.  For example we know that as little as 30 minutes of exercise per day can reset mitochondrial DNA to a gene expression more like that of a younger person.

When you put all the information together it’s clear that this peptide can have significant impacts on our brain and overall health.

It’s a safe, inexpensive, and extensively studied peptide that has a huge upside in the brain and many other tissues.

Considering one of the proposed pathways to increase GHK is via photobiomodulation this would make sense as there is a large volume of evidence that shows that photobiomodulation helps with the aging brain in humans.

Lifestyle Integration provides natural solutions for stress and lifestyle-based health issues for men over 50. Raising your GHK levels with the X39 patch and/or with photobiomodulation has been shown to be effective, easy and a go to bio-hack as we age.

Yours in Health,
Dr. Todd Lizon B.P.H.E., D.C.

Dr Todd Lizon

A renowned educator, Dr. Todd Lizon (B.P.H.E., D.C.)  is the founder of Lifestyle Integration.  By embracing modern technology and research we bring you the tools and products to help you reshape the assumption you might have on how we lose and rebuild health as we age.

We care deeply about your metabolic health here at Lifestyle Integration.

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Sunlight Deficiency and Heart Disease

sunlight deficiency

Heart disease, in all its forms, is a very common problem. It’s the leading cause of death in Australia and most countries around the world. Another very common related problem is sunlight deficiency and yet few have even heard of this. There are at least two reasons that low levels of exposure to sunshine are contributing to heart disease and I’ll explain both and what we can do about it. It’s not as crazy as it first sounds.


No surprise here. Studies have shown that heart disease is more prevalent in northern countries compared to southern countries (northern hemisphere). This is thought to be due, in part, to lower levels of sunlight exposure which can lead to vitamin D deficiency.

North of 40° and south of 40° latitude there is no available ultraviolet light during wintertime and people in these locations must “rely on food sources and supplementation to maintain serum vitamin D at a sufficient level”.1 Even if you are outside these ranges, it is still very common to not get enough sunshine for various reasons such as adiposity, clothing habits, cloud cover, pollution, skin pigmentation and genetic factors.

When you dig into the research the evidence strongly suggests that “chronic and often decades-long vitamin D deficiency….. are important in the pathophysiology of ischemic heart disease, hypertension, myocardial hypertrophy, diastolic heart failure, and the metabolic syndrome”.2
The condensed version is when you have sunlight deficiency you don’t produce enough Vitamin D, and this in turn contributes to higher rates of cardiovascular disease.


Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a non-invasive therapy that involves the use of red and near infrared light, typically in the form of lasers or light-emitting diodes (LEDs), to stimulate cellular function and promote healing in the body.

We naturally get this from the sun. Red and near infrared are the dominant wavelengths (as compared to UV light) at sunrise and sunset. So, if we are outside for sunrise and sunset, we get the photobiomodulation dose we are designed to get. When was the last sunrise you witnessed? Our ancestors did and it’s not likely a coincidence that heart disease rates have been rising in modern times.
With respect to cardiovascular diseases, the therapeutic benefits of PBM therapy include “ischemia-perfusion injury, myocardial infarction, hypertension, stroke, myocardial infarction, and aortic aneurysm formation”3 This is quite a lengthy list of heart benefits from red and near infrared light.
The condensed version here is the same as Vitamin D in that when you apply PBM there is less heart disease.


When we accept that a lack of sunshine is having a negative impact on our heart health we can take steps to rectify it. There are three things you can do.

  1. Spend time in the sun. Healthy time. Too much UV light in your attempt to get Vitamin D is clearly linked to skin cancer. Witness the sunrise and sunset when you can.
  2. Vitamin D supplementation. A high-quality Vitamin D supplement will ensure you have healthy levels in your tissues.
  3. Use a photobiomodulation device. There are all kinds of panels and devices available to use. Here are several examples.


Sunlight deficiency is a more significant issue than most are aware of. Our ancestors spent time in the sun. When we don’t spend enough time outside we risk being low in Vitamin D and we don’t get the full photobiomodulation dose. The combination of these two deficiencies contributes to cardiovascular disease. More research needs to be conducted to fully determine the extent of the problem. In the meantime, the solutions outlined are easily available and easy to implement.

  1. Holick MF. Vitamin D deficiency. N Engl J Med. 2007 Jul 19;357(3):266-81. doi: 10.1056/NEJMra070553. PMID: 17634462.
  2. Wallis DE, Penckofer S, Sizemore GW. The “sunshine deficit” and cardiovascular disease. Circulation. 2008 Sep 30;118(14):1476-85. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.107.713339. Erratum in: Circulation. 2009 Jun 2;119(21):e550. PMID: 18824654.
  3. Syed SB, Ahmet I, Chakir K, Morrell CH, Arany PR, Lakatta EG. Photobiomodulation therapy mitigates cardiovascular aging and improves survival. Lasers Surg Med. 2023 Mar;55(3):278-293. doi: 10.1002/lsm.23644. Epub 2023 Feb 23. PMID: 36821717; PMCID: PMC10084725.
We care deeply about your metabolic health here at Lifestyle Integration.

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TheraBulb 300W Bulb Near Infrared Sauna Upgrade

TheraBulb 300W lamp

The TheraBulb 300W Bulb Has Arrived!

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of the NEW TheraBulb 300W incandescent lamp to the Lifestyle Integration group.

These higher wattage bulbs will provide more heat and options in the near infrared sauna than the 250W bulb which they are replacing.

To celebrate the arrival of this infrared sauna Australia upgrade we thought it appropriate to review some of the many benefits of TheraBulb incandescent near infrared bulbs.

TheraBulb 300W lamp


With more wattage you get more heat and power.  When it comes to an infrared sauna the more heat and power the better!


Speaking of saunas you have more options.  Our portable near infrared sauna has four lamps. You get to select if you want one, two, three or all of the TheraBulb lamps on at once.  This means you can choose the full effect of an incredible 1200W of heat or, if that’s too hot, you can turn one off and relax with a more comfortable 900W.

portable near infrared sauna


A common question we get regarding our infrared sauna, which is also known as a full spectrum sauna is if you need any special wiring?  You do not.  With all TheraBulb incandescent lamps you simply plug them into a normal household socket.  No need for any expensive electrical modifications.  Plug and go!


To me the secret weapon of the Therabulb is the lab verified photobiomodulation benefits.  The bulbs are coated to ensure you are getting as much of the therapeutic mitochondrial stimulation band wavelengths as possible.  This ensures steady application of the healing near infrared and red light therapy.

mitochondrial stimulation band


This is perhaps the most important factor in our decision to use TheraBulb in our portable near infrared saunas.  I think most of us now understand from a marketing perspective anyone can make a claim about something.  Not everyone can back it up with independent certified lab testing.  This is exactly what TheraBulb has done.  They use the same lab as the US military.


TheraBulb bulbs are RoHS certified. This means that they are free of substances covered in the European Union Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive 2002/95/EC. These substances include lead, mercury, and Teflon.  TheraBulb bulbs also bear the CE mark, meaning that they meet the safety standards for their product category.


TheraBulb incandescent bulbs emit virtually no EMF by design. When submitted to an independent lab for testing, the following result was provided by the lab: “Due to the fact that these are incandescent bulb (sic), the EMF values are extremely low and at or below the resolution of the measurement equipment.”  TheraBulb’s LED bulb has been tested and its EMF emissions were recorded at .03mT.


I’ve worked with TheraBulb for many years and can say that they are a group of people that truly care about what they do and the products they produce.  They back their product and will go the extra mile to ensure you get what you are paying for.

If you are looking to reap the many sauna benefits that a near infrared sauna can offer such as hyperthermia therapy, photobiomodulation and red light therapy the TheraBulb 300W bulb delivers.  In Australia you can order them here.  300W TheraBulb

For orders outside Australia here is the link to TheraBulb

UPDATE! A quick video we put together showcasing the TheraBulb

Want to know more about photobiomodulation, redlight therapy and sauna therapy?  Have a look at our blog or learning centre and have a think about joining our newsletter below.  Once every two weeks we will email what is new and exciting in these fields and more.

Yours in Health,

Dr Todd Lizon (Chiropractor)
B.P.H.E., D.C.

We care deeply about your metabolic health here at Lifestyle Integration.

Subscribe to our newsletter to get our free eBook on how to manage metabolic dysfunction
The SPEED Trap: How To Reverse Metabolic Dysfunction

Sunburn and Natural Sunscreen Protection

natural suncreen alternative

A Natural Sunscreen Alternative

We all know that the suns UV rays can be damaging causing sunburn and skin cancers.  Slip, Slap, Slop is a common catchphrase around the application of sunscreen and any visit to the beach or time spent in the outdoors. The reality is that many of us have decided that the sun is bad and to be avoided.

This is a mistake.

Yes, spending too much time in the sun is detrimental to the skin and overall health. But mounting research is showing that the benefits of time in the sun are vastly outweighing the negatives.

One of these benefits is natural sunscreen protection.

Pre-Conditioning The Skin

Barolet writes in the 2016 article Infrared and skin: Friend or foe that when you pre-condition the skin with a dose of near infrared light that you get “a SPF-15 like sun protection factor effect.”

natural sunlight skin protection

Some background information is needed here to fill in the gaps on how to reduce sunburn and get this natural sunscreen protection.

The field of photobiomodulation (PBM)  is where red and near infrared light are applied to the body to increase energy production, decrease inflammation and speed up healing in brief.  Infrared light is NOT ultraviolet light.  Near infrared light is invisible but is not ionising.  UV light is ionising, and this is what causes skin damage.

Barolet explains in his research paper that when you apply near infrared light to the skin BEFORE you are exposed to UV light that you get the sunscreen SBF-15 protective effect which they call photoprevention.

In other words, near infrared light (photobiomodulation) protects against UV damage and sunburn.

This is not surprising. Of course, nature has protection against sunburn naturally built in to the system.  We just aren’t using nature correctly and to our benefit.  We don’t pre-condition our skin we just run out in the middle of the day, burn, and then say the sun is bad!

Another piece of the puzzle to understand is that the ratio of UV light to near infrared light is lower when the sun is rising and setting as this figure from Barolet paper shows.  The most harmful time to be in the sun is mid-day. Conversely the most beneficial time is when our shadows are long.  The mornings and the evenings.

ratio of PBM to UV light

If we were more in tune with natures rhythms, we would be up at the crack of dawn and WITNESS the sunrise. We would be outside soaking up the beneficial photobiomodulation light and pre-conditioning our skin so that we would have natural sunscreen protection against sunburn.

Natural Sunscreen Protection

The sunrise is our natural sunscreen.

If you look at the image above you will also see that the sunset is where PBM repair occurs.  Should you damage yourself with too much UV light during the day the sunset is natures way of repairing this with photobiomodulation.

The sunset is our natural repair system to UV light damage.

I realise that not everyone will be able to witness the sunrise.  The good news is that there are other ways to get your photobiomodulation dose and your natural sunscreen alternative.

Sunscreen Alternative

You can use a near infrared sauna.  This will very closely mimic the sun in that you are getting the red light therapy and near infrared photobiomodulation with full spectrum light and some of the warmth of the sun.

using a near infrared sauna

Alternatively, you can use a LED panel which will provide single wavelengths in the red and near infrared spectrum.  Just be careful not to have the irradiance level too high.  You want to mimic the sun which is about 20 to 30mW/cm2

Ironically, the sun that you are so scared of is actually what you need to protect yourself.

To learn more about near infrared saunas and photobiomodulation you can visit www.nirsauna.com.au

Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions either.

Yours in Health,

Dr Todd Lizon (Chiropractor)
B.P.H.E., D.C.

Stem Cells Restored With Photobiomodulation

Youth restored

George Bernard Shaw once wrote that “Youth is the most precious thing in life; it is too bad it has to be wasted on young folks.” 

As we age and pass various “benchmarks” we can reflect on our youth and the energy and health that usually comes with it.  Most of us with a true sense of fondness, in the sense that we would like it back! 

The anti-aging field has really taken off in the last number of years and there is now a lot that can be done to improve our health and well-being. Today I want to share a documented way to raise your stem cell function back to the level of your younger days.

First, we need to understand why this is important.

Stem Cells

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have the ability to differentiate into a variety of cell lineages, including osteogenic, chrondrogenic, adipogenic, myogenic, and neurogenic lines.  This means that your stem cells can change into whatever cell is needed based on injury or disease.  Bone, muscle, cartilage, muscle and nerve.  Therefore, MSCs hold great promise in a vast number of medical fields. Things like anti-aging,  and the treatment of both chronic and acute diseases.

The problem is that as we age and need our stem cells, the functional capacity of them declines.  If we need them but they aren’t there in abundant numbers, the repair system is compromised and we get sick. We can’t properly fix whatever issues need to be fixed.

The critical piece of information you need to be aware of is that the decreased function of aged MSCs has been linked to mitochondrial dysfunction.

Photobiomodulation and Stem Cells

What those of you who follow us know, is that Photobiomodulation (PBM), also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), is a fantastic way to directly improve mitochondrial function.

A study was published in June 2021 titled “Photobiomodulation has rejuvenating effects on aged bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells.”  They wanted to test the hypothesis that overall effectiveness of aged stem cells can be restored to the level of young stem cells by photobiomodulation. 

They took MSCs isolated from bone marrow of both young (3-month-old, 3 m) and old (24-month-old, 24 m) mice and subjected them to different PBM regimens

What they found is that the beneficial effect of a single PBM treatment did not last very long in aged MSCs as compared to younger ones.   This is NOT good.

Take Home Point

What they then did is applied 3 consecutive PBM treatments at 24 hour intervals.  This more intensive and cumulative treatment was able to demonstrate that the beneficial effect of PBM therapy can be achieved by applying three consecutive PBM treatments at 24-h intervals.  In other words, they were able to get stem cell function back to the level of young stem cells with regular photobiomodulation treatments.

How can you do this yourself?

The simple answer is pick a PBM device and actually use it consistently if you are over 50.

We recommend using a portable near infrared sauna.  These provide near infrared and red light therapy with the wavelengths you need to get the photobiomodulation effects of the mitochondria.  You can choose any sort of photobiomodulation device but when you use the near infrared sauna you get the PBM benefits as well as the heat and detoxification benefits of a infrared sauna. 

You can view our other videos to better understand all the benefits to a portable near infrared sauna.

The key point today is that CONSISTENCY is required to have a beneficial and LASTING effect on stem cells when you are over 50.

Nearsightedness Caused By Sunlight Deficiency

child in sunlight

Is The Nearsightedness Epidemic Over?

We are in the midst of a light epidemic and you probably don’t even know it.  There is an overabundance of ultraviolet light (UV) and blue light (screens) and a deficiency in red and near infrared light.  We are also in the midst of a nearsightedness or myopia epidemic.  Up to a third of the world’s population by some estimates.  The cause is most likely light deficiency.  Specifically red and near infrared light deficiency.

Most of you have probably heard that it’s bookworms that get near sighted.  You know….the heavy readers.  This theory has been around a long time and it suggest that reading close up slowly changes the eyes.  It turns out this isn’t the case.

It is true however, that research has shown that there is a strong association between education levels and myopia.  What has now become crystal clear though is that this is a correlation, not a cause necessarily.

If you stop and think about it, the other thing that happens if you read and study a lot is that you spend time indoors.  Out of sunlight.

Natural Light is the Key

In a Nature article titled The Myopia Boom, they had this to say on outdoor light time.  “Based on epidemiological studies, Ian Morgan, a myopia researcher at the Australian National University in Canberra, estimates that children need to spend around three hours per day under light levels of at least 10,000 lux to be protected against myopia.”

child in sunlight

This was back in 2015.  However, they didn’t really extrapolate on the mechanism.  Just that more time in sunlight was beneficial in preventing myopia.

So what is the actual mechanism?

Three recent studies from 2021 and 2022 shed some further “light” on the likely mechanisms.

Nearsightedness Study #1

The study titled Effect of Repeated Low-Level Red-Light Therapy for Myopia Control in Children found that 69.4% slowing of axial elongation and 76.6% slowing of myopic refraction progression.  With nearsightedness the eye ball elongates, so if you can reduce this good things happen.  The refraction is the strength of the glasses you would need.  These are huge results showing how red light therapy can slow the deterioration of the eyes.

Nearsightedness Study #2

This 2021 study, Orthokeratology and Low-Intensity Laser Therapy for Slowing the Progression of Myopia in Children, also showed the benefits to red light therapy.  It was looking to see if the red light would work as well as orthokeratology (wearing a contact lens to flatten the eye).  They found that the LLLT worked better than the orthokeratology to control axial elongation and slow myopia progression.  LLLT is also known as red light therapy or photobiomodulation.

Nearsightedness Study #3

The final study from 2022, Low-intensity, long-wavelength red light slows the progression of myopia in children: an Eastern China-based cohort, had similar results.  They “underwent LLRT treatment (power 0.4 mW, wavelength 635 nm) twice per day for 3 min each session, with at least a 4-h interval between sessions, and a control group of 56 myopic children.”  They concluded that “repetitive exposure to LLRT therapy (photobiomodulation) was associated with slower myopia progression and reduced axial growth after short durations of treatment.”

So, it would appear, that red light therapy prevents the progression of myopia.

As with all new research there are limitations and more research needs to be done but intuitively this makes sense.

Take Home

Spend time outdoors.  Children ideally need to spend approximately 3 hours outdoors per day to prevent myopia.


You can get your red light at home with photobiomodulation devices.  However, you should seek advice from your health professional to ensure you are working within safe parameters.  We are not offering medical advice or advocating irresponsible application of red light therapy or photobiomodulation.

The two general ways you can get red light therapy at home are the following.

Incandescent Lamps

Incandescent lamps such as TheraBulb provide red and near infrared light similar to what the sun provides.  They have a full spectrum wavelength profile that includes red light and some heat.  These can be used in a sauna or as a single lamp.  Saunas should not be used for children under 6. Children should always be supervised around these lamps as they are a burn risk.

LED Lamps

These simple lamps are becoming increasingly popular.  You can purchase inexpensive lamps such as hand held units or more expensive panels.  They are simple to use and quite safe.  Staring directly into them is not advised due to the brightness of them.

hand held LED lamp

Myopia or nearsightedness is an ever-increasing problem.  Recent research in the photobiomodulation field is progressively showing that red light, and probably other wavelengths, have a protective effect on the eye. It slows and prevents the progression of myopia in children.  It is not clear if this light will reverse the problem.


Light deficiency appears to be the cause of nearsightedness.  I have been talking about light deficiency for years and firmly believe the public needs to be made more aware of it.  As humans we need to spend time outside.  We need to witness the sunrise. We should walk and play more.  Try to work outside when we can.  The benefits are becoming increasingly clear and now it seems that our vision might depend on it.

While this blog focuses on children there are many other reasons for us older folk should use red light therapy and photobiomodulation for our eyes.  Research shows it can help with dry eyes, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, glaucoma, optic nerve injury and other conditions.


For more information visit www.lifestyleintegration.com.au or for here for everything about near infrared saunas

Yours in Health,

Dr Todd Lizon (Chiropractor)
B.P.H.E., D.C.